Dean's Faculty Award for Outstanding Tutoring

Thursday, Sep 6, 2018| Tags: Teaching, University

The greatest gift from the act of teaching is the lesson of empathy. Before someone can understand you, you must first understand them.

Teaching has truly taught me so many important lessons. It teaches me about the beauty of constrasting experiences and thoughts. It teaches me about that communication is always a two way street. It teaches me that the audience and their frame of mind is always the most critical to the success and effectiveness of a presentation. It teaches me that levels of abstraction transcends towards the art of communication as its core, beyond its application in technical design. Most importantly, it teaches me how to be empathetic, to think from the perspective of others.

Thank you to all my past and present students who supported me for this award. I’m humbled to know that I have made a positive difference to your learning, and that people actually tolerate my terrible nerdy jokes.